Usual diet

Usual diet

Small Middle Big

Health is the first wealth of life, the establishment of a reasonable diet system, regular eating can improve appetite, increase absorption, good for health.

The Healthy Diet Pyramid is divided into seven layers, with desserts and butter at the top, followed by dairy products, fish or a small amount of red meat, nuts and legumes, vegetables and fruits, whole grains and vegetable oils, and the bottom layer has nothing to do with food - long-term and appropriate physical exercise.

The traditional view of health is "disease-free is health", modern people's view of health is overall health, the World Health Organization put forward that "health is not only the body without disease, but also have mental health, social adaptation and morality." Therefore, modern people's health includes: physical health, mental health, mental health, social health, intellectual health, moral health, environmental health and so on.



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